August 2017
Boyoon had a baby boy! (August 14th, 2017)
We are very happy to announce this wonderful news! Boyoon delivered a boy on August 14th. His name is Yul Cho. Let’s all congratulate Boyoon and her family!
Attending the AKaDL at Sydney
Professor Lee attended the 2nd Australia Korea design and language (AKaDL) symposium at Newcastle, Australia on August 4th.
July 2017
The next CAAD futures (2019) will be at GSCT, KAIST, Korea!!!
Prof. Lee and our PhD student, Ikhwan Kim visited Istanbul Technical University, Turkey through July 10th to 14th, 2017 to join CAAD futures 2017. CAAD futures is an international conference which is to discuss and [...]
AI Flagship International Workshop
We visited Busan for AI Flagship international workshop. It was held on July 3rd to 5th at Haeundae Centum Hotel, Busan. AI Flagship is to develop intelligent interaction technology that understands intention and context of user. [...]
June 2017
KiDRS Design Conference & International Design Exhibition
We held a design conference with KiDRS (Korea Institute of Design Research Society) at GSCT, KAIST N25 #3239. It was held during 2 days (June 22~23) and 6 countries participated in this conference; British, China, [...]
Attending the ISEA2017
Prof. Lee and our PhD student, Ikhwan Kim visited Manizales, Columbia for ISEA 2017. ISEA is one of the most prominent international events on art and technology around the world, bringing together scholarly, artistic, and [...]