About IBD Research Group
The essence of technology is by no means anything technological.
— Martin Heidegger
The Information-Based Design (IBD) research group is in the Graduate School of Culture Technology (GSCT) at KAIST. IBD focuses on the Computational Design research field that aims to explore ways of juxtaposing computational approaches and applications with professional practice and theory in design. Therefore, the researchers are investigating to make the design environment more intelligent and easy to use through applying computational approaches such as artificial intelligence (AI) and human-computer interaction (HCI) on the basis of three related foundation fields: cognitive science, mathematics and design theory. The IBD research group is divided by three interdisciplinary teams that are not mutually exclusive: (1) Artificial Intelligence in Design, (2) User Experience (UX), and (3) Making Things. These explorations result in computer-based frameworks or systems contributing to the enhancement of the calculability using algorithmic and/or heuristic computational methods. In other words, the IBD research focus is on ‘computational culture’ as an extension of computational design.
The Main Research Areas
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From ideation, research to delivery, the User Experience Team designs service. To understand the user’s needs, we conducts user study and context analysis by means of literature review, interview, survey, etc. Based on the understanding on users, we develop the user interface (UI) and the user experience (UX) with a variety of design strategies and tools.
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IBD Journal Areas