KiDRS Design Conference & International Design Exhibition

By |2017-11-22T04:41:45+00:00June 22nd, 2017|Categories: Workshop|Tags: |

We held a design conference with KiDRS (Korea Institute of Design Research Society) at GSCT, KAIST N25 #3239. It was held during 2 days (June 22~23) and 6 countries participated in this conference; British, China, Italy, Korea, Taiwan, and USA. KiDRS is nonprofit academic organization to communicate with all kinds of design field based on the [...]

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Attending the ISEA2017

By |2017-12-04T03:55:12+00:00June 19th, 2017|Categories: Presentation, Workshop|Tags: , |

Prof. Lee and our PhD student, Ikhwan Kim visited Manizales, Columbia for ISEA 2017. ISEA is one of the most prominent international events on art and technology around the world, bringing together scholarly, artistic, and scientific domain in an interdisciplinary discussion and showcase of creative production applying new technologies in electronic art, interactivity and digital media. [...]

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