Samsung Green Tomorrow

By |2017-11-06T07:13:30+00:00August 24th, 2011|Categories: Visiting|Tags: |

Visiting Samsung Green Tomorrow Showcase House (August 24, 2011, Samsung C & T Green Tomorrow, Yongin, Korea) 'Green Tomorrow' is a zero-carbon house developed by Samsung C & T as a showcase of sustainable design for South Korea. Using advanced technologies of sustainable energy and housing construction, this showcase house reduces 56% of energy consumption. Concisely, this showcase house dreams to [...]

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Zero-Energy House of KICT

By |2017-11-06T07:12:53+00:00August 10th, 2011|Categories: Visiting|Tags: |

Visiting Zero-Energy House of Korea Institute of Construction Technology (August 10th, 2011, KICT Zero-Energy House, Ilsan, Korea) Zero-Energy House of KICT developed by Korea Institute of Construction Technology is a showcase for the realization of sustainable housing concept. Dr. Kim (Soo-Am Kim) tried to realize this sustainable concept in real housing-unit to bridge the gap between theory and practice. Along [...]

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